National Boss's Day According To The National Day Calendar Say Happy Boss Day

National Boss's Day According To The National Day Calendar Say Happy Boss Day

Today is National Boss’s Day according to the National Day Calendar and is celebrated by employees who wish to thank their boss and show appreciation for their fair and kind practices throughout the year. However, it got its start in 1958 when State Farm Insurance employee Patricia Bays Haroski registered it and selected the date of October 16 because it happened to be her father’s birthday and her father was her boss.

Not everybody is lucky to have a great boss. Some are out there dealing with micromanaging types or moody supervisors. But yours is great. And, remember that, while sometimes, we may not love every directive that comes down from above, our bosses take on a lot of extra stress and responsibility so that we don’t have to.

Your boss plays a big role in the trajectory of your career. A good boss that encourages new challenges and helps grow your skills and provides you with exposure to management can rocket you up the career ladder, while a bad one can stunt your growth and make you feel trapped.

Here are ways you could quickly become one of your boss’ preferred employees:

Look at old emails for answers

Need an answer to a question that you know was answered in some email from your boss, long ago? Do the work of digging it up. Look through those old emails. Even if it takes you 15 minutes to find the answer, it’s better than asking your boss to answer the question a second time. That makes it seem like you don’t pay attention.

Provide several possible routes

If there are several options for how to complete a project or do a task, run them by your boss. Show her that you’re flexible, and that you’ve thought of every way to handle something. If you only provide one option and she doesn’t like it, you leave her with the work of finding other routes.

Find a solution before presenting a problem

If you discover a problem, look into solutions before going to your boss. By the time you tell your boss about the problem, it should only be to let her know that you’re already on top of fixing it.

Prepare early for holidays

Taking some days off in the near future? Sit down and look at what may come up while you’re away, and find ways to address it before you leave. Leave your boss with more than enough information and completed tasks, so that she barely feels your absence.
National Boss's Day According To The National Day Calendar Say Happy Boss Day National Boss's Day According To The National Day Calendar Say Happy Boss Day Reviewed by Prince2030 on 9:38:00 PM Rating: 5

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